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Learner Profile: Ellie

Ellie began her Metal Fabricator Apprenticeship at Altham Fabrications after learning more about the course at one of Training 2000’s Open Evenings.

A chance occurrence of seeing an advertisement on a bus stop led Ellie to explore her interest in engineering and at Training 2000’s Open Evening, found the Apprenticeship option to be interesting, and felt that it was the right path due to her preference of hands-on tasks.

During her Apprenticeship, Ellie has learnt how to use her knowledge and skills in different situations and is keen to get into the design and project aspects of engineering. She believes that her experience from fabrication and welding will make her a good fit for other engineering roles.

On finishing her Apprenticeship, Ellie has dreams of travelling the world and aspires to secure a role in Australia or Canada doing welding or project work.

Ellie Taylor

"For me as a woman in engineering, I would also encourage more girls to get into a trade."

Ellie, Altham Fabrications

Ellie says to those considering an Apprenticeship “I would say do your research first on the jobs being advertised, then learn more about what the job consists of and go for it. Also, don’t be afraid as a young person getting into a trade as you only want to learn!”.

For more information about our engineering Apprenticeships visit our course pages