Learner Profile: Eddie
Eddie started his Machining Apprenticeship at Fort Vale Engineering after attending Training 2000’s Aspiring Engineering Club.
Eddie always knew that he wanted to work in a hands-on role but wasn’t sure which direction to take when in school. Once his parents suggested attending Training 2000’s Aspiring Engineering Club on Saturday mornings, Eddie was able to try out different areas of engineering such as welding, Computer Aided Design (CAD), CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining, and electronics and electrical.
Eddie then started his Machining Apprenticeship at Fort Vale Engineering where he learnt on and off-the-job at Fort Vale and Training 2000. Training included learning how to:
- Read and interpret engineering drawings
- Load and prove programs
- Set CNC or Conventional machines
- Operate and produce complex parts
- Check and inspect work
- Solve engineering problems and suggest improvements
"If you’ve ever thought about working in engineering and being hands-on, this is definitely the career choice for you."
— Eddie, former machining apprentice
Machining technicians produce complex and precision machined products that are typically used in machinery. For example, aeroplanes and vehicles. They use a variety of machines to carry out their work. For example, centre lathes, vertical and horizontal milling machines, horizontal and cylindrical grinding machines, as well as electro discharge machines, single and multi-axis Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine tools centres, gear cutting and Gear Grinding machines.
When looking back on his Apprenticeship journey, Eddie says that he learnt lots of skills: ‘I have learnt time keeping, precision, and attention to detail’.
Eddie is continuing to work for Fort Vale Engineering and is enjoying his role as a CNC Machinist.
For more information about our Engineering Apprenticeships visit our course pages